Cisco WAE 7.2.1 Installation Guide
安装supervisor报错, 可以参考该文章解决:yum error
“Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel/x86_64. Please verify its path and try again”
Step0: Java/python
我使用的是Centos 7完整安装, 默认自带的python是2.7.5, 所以就没有更新。
建议不要使用Centos 8,使用的人少, 出现报错也不好排除。
- Make sure Java-8 is installed on the system and
environment variable is pointing to jdk-1.8. - Make sure that
python package is installed for the BW-OPT application to function in WAE.
Step1:install supervisor
参考官方install guide修改supervisor的配置文件。
Step2:install WAE
Step3:Start and Stop Cisco WAE
Step4:WAE Web GUI
访问“https://x.x.x.x:8443”, 访问不了请将server的firewall关了或者放行8443接口。使用chrome无痕模式访问。
the blog from Xuxing's Blog,
Link: http://imxing.cn/?p=549