Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Router# disconnect 1

Command or Action
Step 1
service-module interface slot/port password-reset
Router# service-module gigabitethernet2/0 password-reset
Ensures that the switch stays at the boot loader prompt, so that you can copy a new image through the Xmodem Protocol.
Step 2
Switch: flash_init
Initializes the flash memory file system on the switch.
Step 3
control+shift+6 x
Switch: control+shift+6 x
Returns you to the router console while keeping the console session to the switch intact.
(Use x to get back to the router prompt.)
Step 4
Router# disconnect 1
Disconnects the switch session to begin the Xmodem download.
Step 5
copy flash: xmodem:
Router# copy flash: xmodem:
Starts the file transfer from the router flash memory by using the Xmodem Protocol from the router prompt.
Note Use this command to download the software image from the router flash memory. Use this command from the router prompt.

copy tftp: xmodem:
Router# copy tftp: xmodem:
Starts the file transfer from a TFTP server from the router prompt.
Note Use this command to download the software image from a TFTP server. Use this command only if the image is not on the router flash memory.
Step 6
service-module interface slot/port session
Router# service-module gigabitethernet1/0 session
Connects to the service module and opens a Cisco enhanced EtherSwitch service module session.
Step 7
dir flash:
switch: dir flash:
Displays a list of all files and directories in flash memory on the service module.
Step 8
boot flash:image
switch> boot flash:c2960sm-lanbasek9-mz.image
Boots the Cisco enhanced EtherSwitch service module image if all files and directories are in flash memory on the service module.


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