Wednesday, August 22, 2018

ASR 9K process prm_server

prm_server is the process that takes stuff like the FIB from the control plane and pushes it to the hardware. Also handles stuff like ACL tables, QoS queue/policer/stats programming, etc. in an instance. 
It will handle any situation change on the NP. Problem like parity error is possible to cause this process crash.

Usually these error could be fixed after the line card reload.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


C:\WINDOWS\system32>reg add HKCR\VanDyke.SecureCRT.URLHandler.1\shell\open\command /d "\"C:\Program Files\VanDyke Software\SecureCRT\SecureCRT.exe\" /T %1" /F

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


在 IOS-EX平台, 是支持内嵌wireshark抓包的, (lanbase版本不支持,敲不上moni cap命令)

moni cap A interface g1/1 both    //配置抓包接口和方向
moni cap A match any  或者 moni cap A access-list X //通过match 或者挂 ACL 来 限制抓包的源目条件
moni cap A file location bootflash:A.pcap   //将数据包存到flash中
moni cap A start   //开始抓包

dir  //确认生成了pcap文件,并且文件大小在增长
Directory of bootflash:/
8121  -rw-          24  Jun 26 2017 06:57:18 +00:00  A.pcap

moni cap A stop  //停止抓包

sh moni cap file bootflash:A.pcap   //查看抓包
sh moni cap file bootflash:A.pcap detail  //查看每个数据包

sh moni cap A   //查看抓包参数
sh moni cap A para   //查看已配置的抓包命令
no moni cap A   //删除定义的抓包名称和对应的参数